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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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these are the images the world has seen from the streets and can. be to take command of insisting the no fly zone over libya sort of controlling the military operation but here in tripoli to continue support in the capital city. public fury at the huge cost of foreign military campaigns yet stringent austerity cuts at home spreads in the e.u. as the blocking of step to bailout another crippling country. on the radiation strike at the pushing of taliban forces japan's government to consider expanding the evacuation zone those still living dangerously close to the area said to be struggling with supplies.
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this is a party line from our studios here in central moscow it's not nine pm eight pm in libya and nature has agreed to assume command of the patrols in forcing the no fly zone over the country is expected to take charge of the strikes within days officials warned the operation could last for up to three months first bombs rocked the capital tripoli with reports of more civilian casualties. as the. this is the proof of civilians being injured and killed in coalition in strikes we've driven more than forty minutes to see the remains of a rocket and some glass on a bridge in window with a father says he was very lucky that his family was not at home forgive us for being a little bit suspicious but certainly here the pressure is on for the government trying to show the international community that indeed its claims that more than one hundred civilians have been killed are true and we attended
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a mass funeral with more than fifty coffins we pushed out we were told the inside with civilians but a government spokesperson later did admit that it was possible that some of the bodies will find his beaches speaking at their funeral procession says it all libyans are fighters to fix the question in terms of what is the difference here between a fighter and a civilian now the journalist went to visit a hospital with it where more than a dozen bodies were charged beyond recognition and presented also as proof that these is strikes are killing civilians there are rumors here in the capital city the bodies are being brought in from other areas the reason terms of fighting and been presented to the foreign media as proof again that civilians are the targets and are the collateral damage in these is strikes the reaction on the ground in terms of the announcement that mater now will be in charge of enforcing this no fly zone is rather mixed the average rebel fighter actually doesn't care he just wants to see more weapons he wants to see more air strikes but the opposition leadership
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is a bit concerned they do understand that when you have more powers calling the shots you run the risk of one of them being able to veto any future operation a lot easier for the united states and canada to take this operation forward than european powers which have domestic issues they need to consider such as migration here in the capital city this situation is very very tense friday prayer is always a focal point security downtown has been stepped up in fear that there could be massive demonstrations overnight there were in strikes in the eastern a waste of the city targeting military barracks in. military airfield at the same time there was a lot of empty aircraft and gunfire over the capital city so indeed the situation tense people angry and most just fearing what the next few days and weeks can bring police the r.t. tripoli. well paul is also writing a blog to keep you updated on all the latest from libya and in one of her latest posts she describes how the sound of missiles and explosions is oppressing the
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capital tripoli you can find a link to her blog and all the latest tweets from the correspondents on offer to people and that is on the screen. where the u.n. says it's alarmed by the looming humanitarian crisis in libya officials warm food supply lines have been disrupted and over three hundred thousand refugees have already fled the country. reports now from the libyan border with egypt people are fleeing the country we saw scores of refugees coming out of libya and according to the united nations over three hundred thousand people have already for the country it's thought that nearly ten thousand refugees are clearly at libya's borders with egypt and tunisia and dozens of more are expected to drawing them so this kind of gives a picture on the humanitarian situation in the great she we spoke with one family even a war from being guys the lead describe the situation the terrible the said it was
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absolutely impossible for them to live there anymore so they decided to wait it out in egypt see what's happening and maybe come back if things settle down he also told us that there are some of the gaddafi supporters who are acting undercover inside bin guys the war captured by the opposition so in that sense there's still activity going on in a side of bin guys the itself just on thursday of united nations met to discuss the humanitarian situation in the country strongly criticizing what's what's happening there and actually judging by these figures over three hundred thousand people already. libya it's a real humanitarian crisis and so all so for the means all of this military operation to reinforce. the no fly zone which was to help ordinary libyans that still has not been a cheap. nodule for a member of the european parliament and leader of the u.k.
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independence party believes the whole military strategy in libya has not been thought through. it's perfectly clear that as far as remploy is concerned regime change is why we're involved in libya what was also surprising was that we've all seen it to begin with as france britain and america getting involved in this and it now coming under this morning and later one brother what that room point made clear was that those countries would not and in fact could not have gone to war in libya without the european council approving it so what that room boy is saying is that it's the e.u. as much as anybody else that has started off this war and that the aim is to topple gadhafi and i would have thought that that does go against the u.n. resolution one nine seven three and i see it as a very surprising development i talk about british public opinion you know we've been told by the armed forces minister nick harvey in response to a question what is the length of our commitment he replied how long is a piece of string will goodness me we've had british troops on the ground in afghanistan well for over ten years i don't think there's any appetite for us
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getting involved in foreign wars where we cannot directly see our own national interest being threatened and where frankly if we go in to support the rebels we don't even know who they are or what they stand for or what they want i don't think anybody is still this through it may well be that the people defending benghazi against good at the are at the moment very grateful for the help they've had over the course of the last week but you know if we if we run this on any longer we may well find ourselves with ground troops in a country where we we actually alienate both sides of the conflict so i am very very nervous and a very skeptical i don't like what's happening in libya but here we are throwing in our aircraft possibly about destroying our troops against a man who just four months ago mr van ryn point was being in public the air is pretty thick with us is that we could have singled out other dreadful dictators we
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could have got attacked with garbage or chosen all sorts of different places and i just. i don't know why they picked on i don't believe they fought it through are going to put ground troops but i think they're going to try all the member states involved in this have a real strong level of opposition i think when people see cuts in front line services for whatever reasons when people see that retirement age is going up when people see the taxes both direct and indirect going up they were right to question what on earth are we doing getting involved in an open ended commitment in terms of war with libya look at possible goodness knows what else i do think to a very close but i also feel that there are lots of countries small and certainly in britain people woke up this morning and they looked at the television the newspapers and saw as portugal is about to topple you make you requiring a bailout that is actually going to cost each british taxpayer about four. other
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actually the biggest effect on our profits this week was about charles and his budget but it was the fact that the portuguese government there about you filed out i think people have every reason to be pretty angry that they see their own costs going up their services being money being thrown overseas in all sorts of projects that they wouldn't necessarily support. and in the next hearing are to the obvious sense in libya an example of history repeating itself. between the current military intervention and the u.s. led campaign in yugoslavia twelve years ago which claimed to have been. european capitals have been preparing for a fresh anti austerity protest after violent clashes in brussels on thursday e.u. leaders were meeting there to hammer out a set of measures to ease the eurozone crisis that is the single currency is facing a new threat with portugal now looking set to ask for a bailout but is daniel bushell in brussels as mine. in public e.u.
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leaders are saying they feel people's pain but behind the closed doors here in the european commission building they've imposed even more spending cuts slashing spending even further now that even applies to states outside the troubled eurozone places like poland latvia denmark will also participate so you get a sense of the crisis spreading across the european union i've met with some of the protesters out on the streets and ask them why they're fighting the plans. no more layoffs no pay cuts no retirement the message from twenty thousand angry demonstrators pushed back with water cannons and pepper spray by riot police the protesters tried to get through to e.u. leaders meeting in brussels to slash spending this money was made to. be used for such a curious thing. to be used for their health. the bank sure when you heard.
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those words was to take ground because of the prison there goes across europe voters are saying no more spirity measures portugal's prime minister has quit after parliament voted down a fresh round of cuts because he has three months left to repay almost ten billion euro at a time when its sovereign credit rating has been caught and lissie the only option left is national default to tell it does the country called pay back its loans all accept an e.u. bailout similar to greece and ireland it hasn't happened in the west since the second world war but the longer you postpone this necessary evil. the more costly this is going to be at the same time military intervention in libya is costly hundreds of millions of euros many of furious of what they see is and are necessary and expensive campaign somebody. the finance minister about the financing of this
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and i think the overwhelming sense that you got from it was among the public and with skepticism with millions unemployed across europe people are losing patience with politicians who seem out of touch with reality you recently familiar sights on the streets of the e.u. was built tightly needs to work because the question is no good right time to spend the money available on news of the world the new culture process and this public outrage at austerity cuts sweeps across the eurozone more than one hundred thousand people are expected to take to the streets of london on saturday in protest and it's said to be the largest demonstration in the british capital since the rallies against the iraq war back in two thousand and three well for more on this on our joined live by patrick haynes is a reporter for the online magazine spike patrick thanks very much for joining us i understand you're going to be on that rally tomorrow taking part what's the atmosphere like there in london the moment and what are the expectations there's
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actually a surprising sense of anticipation at the moment in london there's a lot of people handing out leaflets on the streets and people are putting up signs on. walls and also on street lights which is actually quite unusual for london it doesn't you don't normally get the sense that an event is about to happen so there was a strange air walking through the capital. they'll be listened to by the government one of the main arguments they're putting forward. well that's one of the problems the main argument is against the cuts in general and defending welfare but there isn't really a central sense of what people are going there tomorrow to argue for because a lot of special pleading there's a lot of individual groups having their own protests but there isn't a real sense of get here and amongst all of the protesters who are going there tomorrow or is it all a pearl money or are there going to be other elements. to this protest tomorrow i'm thinking of what's happening further afield the u.k.
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being involved in military conflicts at the moment. surprisingly i think the main focus will be on cuts even despite the occupation of the intervention in libya at the moment i don't think that's likely to be a main focus of the protests the stop the war coalition which is the main body arguing against intervention in libya or arguing for welfare not small fare so even they are giving it a kind of a cut of. the austerity slant more let's talk about this welfare issue you've written in. the online magazine you make an interesting point saying that people should not rely on the state but push for greater freedom from the state but surely you know people have to live they need they want permanent assistance from the government they're saying they're not getting enough money so what do you mean by what you're saying well a lot of protesters here are saying we need to walk like egyptians or many to link up the issues between the protests that are happening in the middle east and the
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protests are going to be happening here soon and i don't think it's that easy because actually what you see in the middle east are a lot of people arguing against state intervention in their lives for a greater freedom from the state growth here is very much deeply ingrained if we want the social change then we need to go to the state to be the main agent of that change so there's a real sense that we can't do it by ourselves we're quite vulnerable people are often protesting on behalf of the vulnerable people in the u.k. students people who would be able to cope with the wise but actually i think that actually underestimates the capability of people to actually make it up through those with belts assistance from the state to actually imagine a future where you know it's completely dependent upon the states for assistance there is not a message that the government's going to get some are saying we want more money they're going to be against all these budgetary cuts the government was saying of course we inherited a terrible situation there the country is broke what then are these demonstrators proposing as an alternative what can the government do upon. cut back on its
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expenditure well that's very good question and i think the two aspects that i think there's a lot of special pleading that's going to be going on for more is can be a lot of individual groups saying because you know the n.h.s. is really important don't cut education because their education is the best in the world because they'll be a lot of individual groups basically arguing their case and saying cut someone else because it's really important you don't qatar's there isn't as i said a kind of a unifying sense of you know a movement against austerity in general but it's more than that there isn't anyone really calling to grow the economy to more it's all about just how to redistribute the amount of money that we have so effectively there's a lot of arguments about how to divide up a shrinking part of money in the u.k. because we need to obviously a balance the books but there isn't really any vision from the government or from the protests it's about how you can actually bring about economic growth how we can invest not just being keeping the public services we have but in developing the
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economy so so we can actually have more for everybody that's the filthy agenda really it's everyone has bought into the idea that rule in it together we need to face the cuts and now what you see instead of basically special pleading measures and i think it's very disappointing as we're talking we're seeing footage of a previous demonstration the london student what which turned out to be riots back in december you mentioned that parallel with the middle east people are saying let's walk like an egyptian there we're seeing very violent protests with the aim of toppling a government do you think we'll see. tomorrow and violence. yes i suspect we will certainly there are lots of splinter protests that are taking place tomorrow so anarchist groups all over london are planning a vent apart from the main rally which is expected to have about two hundred thousand people on it for those who are so i think so you see that the trade union that is your core trade union congress yes that's the main rally that's taking place this could have not just briefly you're saying there's
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a quality of expectation atmosphere there many people taking part yes all of that the main message could be undermined by the scriptures and possibly i think the problem is fundamentally that there isn't a main methods is going to be a lot of special pleading it's going to be a lot of individual groups there who don't have a central get here message about what they want but yes i agree there could be violence there could be there could be some groups who will go around and smash things up and that will get all the media attention i think that's problematic because i think it really illustrates that they want to get attention from the media through smashing things up through doing this rather than actually going there were a clear idea of what they want to achieve patrick a report of the online magazine spike lee joining us live there in london thanks very much for your time thank you very much. the japanese government is debating whether to expand the evacuation zone around the fukushima plant or to radiation there's now ten thousand times the launch evacuation there is currently twenty kilometers around the plant and those living close to the area seeing
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a lack of vital supplies what is your government is in tokyo. the government does seem to have almost failed these people over the past two weeks now and those living within the twenty kilometer range they got very simple instructions straight away as soon as the accident happened they were told to leave people in the twenty to thirty kilometer range and in fact the population of the area could be as high as one hundred thirty thousand we don't know how many of those people are still in the area but it's numbering in the tens of thousand they were given very contradictory and instructions they were told that they could stay and homes that they would be ok as long as they shut their windows and didn't go out but as the weeks of unfolded what we're actually witnessing is that these people are not getting even the basic supplies so long as they're staying in their homes or protecting themselves or radiation the government isn't even able to give them food and water a lot of necessity because nobody else will be prepared to go into the area and now we're going to finding out is that in fact the laws might not be safe because once
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they got over the same ok we can give you know it was in two three ok but don't worry we're already doing and being as the obvious safety in fact science experts are using completely different picture there's been high levels of radiation detected out of the twenty kilometer limit already in what you have when you have radiation levels that that level is that in a week or two you'll have people that are experiencing the radiation exposure of nuclear plant workers or you know over the course of their career and these are people in a situation where there's going to earth quake there's been a tsunami there's a shortage of food there's a shortage of water sees people should not be allowed to remain in such an exposure area this is something which follows the trust issues which have been quite a problem here in japan people who are not feeling they're getting enough information from the government and this has led to a degree of an egg it has led to probably calling of war in tokyo over the last few days people exchanging rumors some which are untrue and
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a lot of information being passed on by bloggers who are on the one. and doing every important job because the feeling in the gulf of the government got on the other hand as you know these are unofficial sources of information can sometimes be hysterical or badly informed themselves and therefore it's probably a false picture so we've seen politicians in the last few days stepping in and actually criticizing the government or the ways been handling this crisis people saw explosion again and again and again on television and a government one tell you for many hours what the hell is going on so the government shouldn't be releasing information timing they should tell you what's really happening so right now the people who are wondering if their government is telling you true stories some of the pictures which we have been seeing are truly horrifying people who would normally be cremated under japanese culture of the
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japanese religion instead being dumped into what the mass graves sometimes end badly hastily constructed coffins sometimes even in plastic bags would the government saying ok this is the best we can do for now this is all that we can do and we will later exude these people and give them a proper cremation so you can imagine you know considering the stress of their relatives have already gone through you can imagine what's being told something like this can do to people psyche this is their very negative side but on the other hand the resulting to be optimistic about who already seen some of the roads rebuilding already seems on the train service is restored as well but of course what you can't dispute is the figures which are already receiving which is more than ten thousand people dead and seventeen thousand people missing who were most of whom are presumed to be dead as well. keeping updated on japan on our twitter feed by the way and one of his latest tweets we can see there that he talks about interviewing
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a top japanese official the flames big energy companies for the pushing prices to bottom or you can log onto our feet that's r t underscore. their presence. all of the coalition forces involved selves in libya unrest is continuing in other parts of the arab world clashes have occurred in several villages across this thousands of activists declared a day of rage the capital manama security forces used to get sick and protesters after a public cleric their demands would not be silenced by force the protests come in the forms of a ban on public gatherings under martial law declared last week. since last month for these risky members of the shiite majority seeking to else the only country for ruling family. thousands of people of galilee given the capital for rival rallies. the country's long standing leadership don't go see his supporters president ali abdullah saleh says he's ready for a peaceful transfer of authority by constitutional means that he called opposition
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to a small minority of them a small minority of drug dealers rebels and illegal money traders the demonstrations come we call it the security forces opened fire on protesters killing more than thirty. at least twenty four people are believed dead after police opened fire on demonstrators in the syrian city of daraa. speaks of at the government protest with the last few days particularly violent latest turmoil comes a day after the syrian leadership pledged to introduce predictable expend freedoms thousands of become the most serious arm rest the country seen since the nineteen seventies. but brings up to take a moment i'll be back with a summary of the main news stories in this and around five minutes from now or maybe five minutes in the meantime business news is next with you that's after a short break.
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welcome to business great to have you with us russia state run oil says it will continue to pursue its exploration and assets small deal with b.p. after that. you know the deal broke the b.p.'s equipment with its current russian partners in tank and foreign minister igor sachin has also chairman of the russian as board says his company is not considering buying the russian shareholders out of haiti and. council believes such it won't ultimately get this vote bush and the deal because. i think there's a lot of value to be unlocked between the deal between b.p. and rosneft so given there's a lot of value you've got to find some way of sharing that value around to make the
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deal happen so i mean this is the last we've heard of it i think that the russian shareholders pay b.p. want to make sure that they get some of this value which can be unlocked by the deal how that happens i think is going to be the next step i think the russian government could talk to the russian shareholders in t.n. k b p i'd be really surprised if somebody. friedman. had already not spoken to the russian government so i imagine that dialogue is going to continue you know i don't see this is a particular shock. to the judgment because judgment i think this is sort of the next step. in the game plan the we will see the result of over the next several months i don't think this is the last step until. let's take a look at how the markets are performing in the us. but the dow jones and the nasdaq a trading in the blind to sound economic growth data good report earnings than they've seen sentiment. in europe b.p.
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shares other advantage from earlier losses to trade three quarters of a sudden higher ground it's been a fairly positive day cross the continent with buggies could see out the dives that make it possible. and hang washougal he also has on the my sex i've turned positive product those guys on wall street the indices page more than a half a cent. let's take a look at both ends of a troll market movers live be here vol stepped was alone but blocked all to deal with the trough around is there a point in the sun was up almost six percent as because these so company to participate in the information society state project which means that all they are receiving a lot of new contracts to provide was trading in a block of news has increased its stake in the monocytes talk of change from seven to ten percent to myself yes i think president greening of america. this week. has been continuing strong reforms of russian
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a few minutes approached the retails exploits. would probably be forming among the russian names which he was a beatle surprise. guest probably remain strong to some slick the still moves will perform and we generally expect it to go spring banks it's really well bush is the wrong expected well europe today john it's more next hour and right now the nation's headlines with bill products. to. keep the.
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fish. fish fish. fish if. fish.


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